WB0TEV 2008 TQP Route

Last year we covered 21 counties in North East Texas. The plan for 2008, which is even more ambitious, can be summed up as follows: 33 counties in just 11 hours on Saturday traversing 500 miles. Included in the list is Leon county, one of the ones that never got activated last year. 

If we manage to do it, we will add a 34th county (Van Zandt) on Sunday after church, otherwise we will try to do Delta, Fannin and Lamar the last hour Sunday if we don't get to them in time Saturday. Look for us on 40/20 SSB. If we meet out timeline we may operate some on 75m on the way home to Greenville 8-9 pm Saturday night and/or some CW from my driveway. We'll also check 10m and will fish for QSOs on 146.52 and 446.00 Mhz when near the larger cities. We plan to be equipped with APRS (WB0TEV-10) so folks can track us on the internet (https://aprs.fi).

On Sunday we'll be adding another member to the "Hunt County Gang". Jay, WB5PUN will be operating WB0TEV/m on CW from my car in the parking lot of my church Sunday AM*. After I get out of church around noon he and I will hit the road for either Van Zandt county or else Delta/Fannin/Lamar if we miss those Saturday night.

73, Victor (WB0TEV/m), Mark (KK5MR, ex-N4CMB), and Jay (WB5PUN)

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Last Updated: 12-September-2008